Sunday, December 13, 2009

TV On the Desktop

I have been using Hulu Desktop. It is a new product from It brings TV, movies, news, and trailers to watch all in one place without searching on-line for the broadcasts. You can watch clips or in most cases full episodes. This is also a great solution if you have a MythTV solution to your television watching. MythTV is a linux based solution sort of like Windows Media Center, except Myth provides a lot more functionality than Myth does.

Back to Hulu Desktop...

Hulu Desktop allows you to control the screen either with your remote control or with the keyboard, which you would only need your control if it was part of a MythTV solution. Hulu also provides only limited 30 second commercials which are non-obtrusive to the user. The commercial time gives you time to take a break without pausing the shows.

You can edit your profile, subscribe to "channels", and add friends and also discuss shows and offer your opinions on what you thought of the shows. Adding friends and all brings a social networking aspect to whole site and desktop experience.

Check it out I highly recommend it for everyone. This is a great step towards letting go of the cable company or satellite company. People want to watch the shows they want to watch when they want to watch it. Hulu allows that. You get to choose the shows to watch and don't have to record anything any more.

Let me know by leaving a comment if you have looked at it, and what you think. It is availible for Windows, MAC, and Linux.


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